A machined aerospace-grade aluminium multifunctional ruler for all your design needs.
Ant Design presents you with the brand new and innovative Re-ruler with easily adjustable components to offer multiple functions and versatility. Re-ruler is here to revolutionize the way people use rulers, via a sturdy, compact, and budget-friendly product that will change the way you draw, forever!

What does it do?
Re-ruler features an adjustable, multi-functional ruler that features a minimalist design. Forget everything you know about drawing lines with your conventional ruler, and experience the Re-ruler that’ll fuel your creativity further.
The Re-Ruler’s four detachable components can be mixed and matched together to be used as a ruler, angled ruler, compass, and protractor.

Corner Mode
Attach the two ruler components of the Re-ruler in a T-shape and use it to draw perfect perpendicular lines. You can use it to make squares, rectangles, and more.

Parallel Mode
Attach the two pieces side by side to draw perfect lines, with the help of clear markings in inches, centimeters, and millimeters on both sides.

Tilted Mode
No need to buy any angled ruler separately because Re-ruler offers this functionality and along with other features! You can attach the two pieces in tilted mode gain the benefit of easier visibility.

Double Mode
Attach the two longer pieces end to end and you have a long ruler with you in no time!

Angle Ruler
The two semi-circle-shaped components at both ends of the ruler can be removed and attached to use as a 360 degree or vertical angle ruler.

To complete its versatility, the Re-Ruler comes with a precision compass to draw those perfect circles, without having to scramble through your drawer to find any other tool.

Dismountable Level
We add new dismountable level to our Re-ruler.

Start From Zero
The laser-engraved markings are created to last longer without fading away.

Embedded Magnets
One of the best parts of Re-ruler is that it comes with embedded magnets so you won’t have to ever worry about storing it properly. You can simply stick it to any metal or other magnetic surface, and grab it easily whenever you need it.

Made from anodized aerospace-grade aluminum, the Re-ruler is resistant to everyday wear and tear and won’t lose its appearance even after years of repeated use.

Laser Engraved
We laser engrave the markings in order to provide for a long lasting and high contrast design.

Color Options
The new colour was one of the biggest asks we got from our previous backers. And we don’t disappoint our backers! We exist because of you guys, so we’re proud to offer the new colours and new sizes. Not sure which you like? Don’t worry about that yet! You will get to select your colour choice at the survey time.